UNK crinkled left (L1EM:17975547) [VFB_00102fj2]
mw brain neurons + SU, mw brain inventory, mw left, DALv2/3 acc lat L, mw draft complete, mw axon split complete, mw brain neurons split, AUTO multiple presynapses to brain, mw colored-matrix-2019-09-12, #2T, AUTO ascending neurons, mw brain neurons + sensories, LAL IPA com*, mw brain matrix, mw brain unpublished <80% reviewed 2020-04-24, mw brain ipsilateral, unknown ventral lineage 2 left, mw pre-dSEZ feedback 3hop 7-Sept 2020, mw ds-pre-dVNC, mw pre-dSEZ feedback 3hop 16-Sept 2020, mw brain matrix + A1, mw pre-dVNC 1%, mw ipsilateral axon, mw ipsilateral dendrite, mw brain matrix and A1, mw brain paper all neurons, mw test matrices, stable, mw 14999928 upstream partners, mw 16345627 upstream partners, mw 17105218 upstream partners, mw 17813457 upstream partners, nr Tel-like 10 downstream 3-hop, mw brain unreviewed, sw:brain_paired:L, sw;brainpair;L, mw proprio 3rd_order, sw;pairs;L, downLAL, mw dVNC-feedback-4hop 2022-03-15, mw dVNC-feedback-5hop 2022-03-15, mw dVNC-efference-4hop 2022-03-15, mw dVNC-efference-5hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-feedback-4hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-feedback-5hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-4hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-5hop 2022-03-15, mw dVNC-feedback-casc-8hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-feedback-casc-8hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-casc-8hop 2022-03-15, mw brain and inputs, 0_level-0_clusterID-0_signal-flow_-0.011, 1_level-1_clusterID-1_signal-flow_-0.067, 3_level-2_clusterID-3_signal-flow_-0.600, 7_level-3_clusterID-8_signal-flow_-1.017, 14_level-4_clusterID-18_signal-flow_-0.937, 30_level-5_clusterID-38_signal-flow_-1.157, 54_level-6_clusterID-77_signal-flow_-1.116, 72_level-7_clusterID-135_signal-flow_-0.692, mw cascade-5-hop integrative 2022-11-03, LAL IPA com 1*, mw cascade-8-hop integrative 2022-11-03, ND_published, ND_all published et al, ctd pre-DN-VNCs, ct pre-DN-VNCs [EM L1 Winding, Pedigo et al., 2023; transmission electron microscopy (TEM); is part of; embryonic/larval nervous system; L1 larval CNS ssTEM - Cardona/Janelia; embryonic/larval neuron; CC-BY_4.0; UNK crinkled left (L1EM:17975547); VFB CATMAID L1 CNS]
This page displays the raw VFB json record for this term. Please use the link below to open the term inside the Virtual Fly Brain viewerOpen UNK crinkled left (L1EM:17975547) in VFB
Term Information
- ID: VFB_00102fj2
- Name: UNK crinkled left (L1EM:17975547)
- Definition:
- Synonyms:
- Type:
- Comment: mw brain neurons + SU, mw brain inventory, mw left, DALv2/3 acc lat L, mw draft complete, mw axon split complete, mw brain neurons split, AUTO multiple presynapses to brain, mw colored-matrix-2019-09-12, #2T, AUTO ascending neurons, mw brain neurons + sensories, LAL IPA com*, mw brain matrix, mw brain unpublished <80% reviewed 2020-04-24, mw brain ipsilateral, unknown ventral lineage 2 left, mw pre-dSEZ feedback 3hop 7-Sept 2020, mw ds-pre-dVNC, mw pre-dSEZ feedback 3hop 16-Sept 2020, mw brain matrix + A1, mw pre-dVNC 1%, mw ipsilateral axon, mw ipsilateral dendrite, mw brain matrix and A1, mw brain paper all neurons, mw test matrices, stable, mw 14999928 upstream partners, mw 16345627 upstream partners, mw 17105218 upstream partners, mw 17813457 upstream partners, nr Tel-like 10 downstream 3-hop, mw brain unreviewed, sw:brain_paired:L, sw;brainpair;L, mw proprio 3rd_order, sw;pairs;L, downLAL, mw dVNC-feedback-4hop 2022-03-15, mw dVNC-feedback-5hop 2022-03-15, mw dVNC-efference-4hop 2022-03-15, mw dVNC-efference-5hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-feedback-4hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-feedback-5hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-4hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-5hop 2022-03-15, mw dVNC-feedback-casc-8hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-feedback-casc-8hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-casc-8hop 2022-03-15, mw brain and inputs, 0_level-0_clusterID-0_signal-flow_-0.011, 1_level-1_clusterID-1_signal-flow_-0.067, 3_level-2_clusterID-3_signal-flow_-0.600, 7_level-3_clusterID-8_signal-flow_-1.017, 14_level-4_clusterID-18_signal-flow_-0.937, 30_level-5_clusterID-38_signal-flow_-1.157, 54_level-6_clusterID-77_signal-flow_-1.116, 72_level-7_clusterID-135_signal-flow_-0.692, mw cascade-5-hop integrative 2022-11-03, LAL IPA com 1*, mw cascade-8-hop integrative 2022-11-03, ND_published, ND_all published et al, ctd pre-DN-VNCs, ct pre-DN-VNCs [EM L1 Winding, Pedigo et al., 2023; transmission electron microscopy (TEM); is part of; embryonic/larval nervous system; L1 larval CNS ssTEM - Cardona/Janelia; embryonic/larval neuron; CC-BY_4.0; UNK crinkled left (L1EM:17975547); VFB CATMAID L1 CNS]
Example Images
VFB Term Json
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"mw brain neurons + SU, mw brain inventory, mw left, DALv2/3 acc lat L, mw draft complete, mw axon split complete, mw brain neurons split, AUTO multiple presynapses to brain, mw colored-matrix-2019-09-12, #2T, AUTO ascending neurons, mw brain neurons + sensories, LAL IPA com*, mw brain matrix, mw brain unpublished <80% reviewed 2020-04-24, mw brain ipsilateral, unknown ventral lineage 2 left, mw pre-dSEZ feedback 3hop 7-Sept 2020, mw ds-pre-dVNC, mw pre-dSEZ feedback 3hop 16-Sept 2020, mw brain matrix + A1, mw pre-dVNC 1%, mw ipsilateral axon, mw ipsilateral dendrite, mw brain matrix and A1, mw brain paper all neurons, mw test matrices, stable, mw 14999928 upstream partners, mw 16345627 upstream partners, mw 17105218 upstream partners, mw 17813457 upstream partners, nr Tel-like 10 downstream 3-hop, mw brain unreviewed, sw:brain_paired:L, sw;brainpair;L, mw proprio 3rd_order, sw;pairs;L, downLAL, mw dVNC-feedback-4hop 2022-03-15, mw dVNC-feedback-5hop 2022-03-15, mw dVNC-efference-4hop 2022-03-15, mw dVNC-efference-5hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-feedback-4hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-feedback-5hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-4hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-5hop 2022-03-15, mw dVNC-feedback-casc-8hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-feedback-casc-8hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-casc-8hop 2022-03-15, mw brain and inputs, 0_level-0_clusterID-0_signal-flow_-0.011, 1_level-1_clusterID-1_signal-flow_-0.067, 3_level-2_clusterID-3_signal-flow_-0.600, 7_level-3_clusterID-8_signal-flow_-1.017, 14_level-4_clusterID-18_signal-flow_-0.937, 30_level-5_clusterID-38_signal-flow_-1.157, 54_level-6_clusterID-77_signal-flow_-1.116, 72_level-7_clusterID-135_signal-flow_-0.692, mw cascade-5-hop integrative 2022-11-03, LAL IPA com 1*, mw cascade-8-hop integrative 2022-11-03, ND_published, ND_all published et al, ctd pre-DN-VNCs, ct pre-DN-VNCs"
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