larval dopaminergic DM1 neuron [FBbt_00110332]

Subtype of the dopaminergic neuron of the DM cluster of the larval brain. Its arborizations are restricted to the ipsilateral side. The primary neurite extends ventrally. There are 4 of these neurons per hemisphere. Dopaminergic cells were identified by double labeling with a tyrosine hydroxylase (anti-TH) antibody and a TH-GAL4 driver (FBtp0020119) (Selcho et al., 2009), and with a tyrosine hydroxylase (anti-TH) antibody (Blanco et al., 2011).

Open larval dopaminergic DM1 neuron in VFB

VFB Term Json

    "term": {
        "core": {
            "iri": "",
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            "types": [
            "short_form": "FBbt_00110332",
            "label": "larval dopaminergic DM1 neuron"
        "description": [
            "Subtype of the dopaminergic neuron of the DM cluster of the larval brain. Its arborizations are restricted to the ipsilateral side. The primary neurite extends ventrally. There are 4 of these neurons per hemisphere."
        "comment": [
            "Dopaminergic cells were identified by double labeling with a tyrosine hydroxylase (anti-TH) antibody and a TH-GAL4 driver (FBtp0020119) (Selcho et al., 2009), and with a tyrosine hydroxylase (anti-TH) antibody (Blanco et al., 2011)."
    "query": "Get JSON for Class",
    "version": "44725ae",
    "parents": [
            "symbol": "",
            "iri": "",
            "types": [
            "short_form": "FBbt_00110331",
            "label": "larval dopaminergic DM neuron"
    "relationships": [
            "relation": {
                "iri": "",
                "label": "bearer of",
                "type": "bearer_of"
            "object": {
                "symbol": "",
                "iri": "",
                "types": [
                "short_form": "PATO_0000634",
                "label": "unilateral"
    "xrefs": [],
    "anatomy_channel_image": [],
    "pub_syn": [],
    "def_pubs": [
            "core": {
                "symbol": "",
                "iri": "",
                "types": [
                "short_form": "FBrf0216686",
                "label": "Blanco et al., 2011, Neural Dev. 6: 34"
            "FlyBase": "",
            "PubMed": "21999236",
            "DOI": "10.1186/1749-8104-6-34"
            "core": {
                "symbol": "",
                "iri": "",
                "types": [
                "short_form": "FBrf0208252",
                "label": "Selcho et al., 2009, PLoS ONE 4(6): e5897"
            "FlyBase": "",
            "PubMed": "19521527",
            "DOI": "10.1371/journal.pone.0005897"