cell space [CARO_0000062]

Anatomical space that is part of a cell.

Open cell space in VFB

Term Information

  • ID: CARO_0000062
  • Name: cell space
  • Definition: Anatomical space that is part of a cell.
  • Synonyms:
  • Type:
  • Comment:

VFB Term Json

    "term": {
        "core": {
            "iri": "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CARO_0000062",
            "symbol": "",
            "types": [
            "short_form": "CARO_0000062",
            "unique_facets": [
            "label": "cell space"
        "description": [
            "Anatomical space that is part of a cell."
        "comment": []
    "query": "Get JSON for Class",
    "version": "3b19da3",
    "parents": [
            "symbol": "",
            "iri": "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CARO_0000005",
            "types": [
            "short_form": "CARO_0000005",
            "unique_facets": [
            "label": "anatomical space"
    "relationships": [
            "relation": {
                "iri": "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BFO_0000050",
                "label": "is part of",
                "type": "part_of"
            "object": {
                "symbol": "",
                "iri": "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CARO_0000013",
                "types": [
                "short_form": "CARO_0000013",
                "unique_facets": [
                "label": "cell"
    "xrefs": [],
    "anatomy_channel_image": [],
    "pub_syn": [],
    "def_pubs": [
            "core": {
                "symbol": "",
                "iri": "http://flybase.org/reports/Unattributed",
                "types": [
                "short_form": "Unattributed",
                "unique_facets": [
                "label": ""
            "FlyBase": "",
            "PubMed": "",
            "DOI": ""