Predicted neurotransmitters for EM data now available on VFB

Predicted neurotransmitters for EM neurons are now being shown on VFB! They are currently available for Hemibrain and MANC datasets.

We now incorporate neurotransmitter predictions for Hemibrain neurons from Eckstein et al. (2024) (conf_nt predictions) and MANC neurons from Takemura et al. (2023), with more coming soon.

Note that these studies only worked with a limited set of neurotransmitters and assumed a single neurotransmitter per neuron (see publications for further detail). Neurons with fewer than 100 presynapses are also excluded.

Predictions appear under ‘Relationships’ in the Term Info if available for a particular neuron, giving the confidence level and reference publication.


Last modified August 8, 2024: fixing YAML (7f26279)