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Contribution Guidelines
Contribute or update Virtual Fly Brain data/sites
Submitting new data to VFB
We integrate information from published papers and image data. See below for what to do if you have new data that could be incorporated into VFB.
The provenance of information, textual or image, is always acknowledged.
Tell us about your paper
Have you just had a paper published which describes new anatomical or expression information?
The best way to make us aware of your paper, and to put it on our curation list is to act on an email you will receive from FlyBase after your paper has been published. The link on the email points to the Fast-Track Your Paper Tool.
Using this tool you can provide information on what types of data your paper contains. If it has new anatomical or expression information you’ll need to fill the sections, Anatomical data or Expression, respectively, in addition to any other suitable ones.
You can also use this tool for any other, previously published paper.
Do you have image data that could be incorporated into VFB?
Email us, and we will be able to give you advice on image requirements.
Ideally, you should contact us when you are still in the planning stages. But if you already generated a dataset, we’ll still be able to provide advice.
How to register your image data
It is essential for successful registrations that the images are of good quality.
Follow this protocol to acquire stacks that can be used for registration.
Once you have the images, follow this protocol to register your images.
Information on publicly available template brains and bridging data is available here.
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If you’ve found a problem in the docs, but you’re not sure how to fix it yourself, please create an issue in the VirtualFlyBrain/VFB2 repo. You can also create an issue about a specific page by clicking the Create Issue button in the top right hand corner of the page.
Useful resources
1 - Guide to adding new query properties to the VFBTerm object in the VFBConnect Library
An exploration of how an example query is added to the VFBTerm object under VFBconnect which provides a template for any future queries you may want to add add to vfb.term
Most of the queries in VFBTerm are built on previous older implementation queries so can be spread across multiple functions but as I just added a new query I thought this was a good example of a complex query (multiple steps combined) that is all in one function:
def add_anatomy_type_properties(self):
def transgene_expression(self):
Get the transgene expression data associated with this anatomy type term.
if self._transgene_expression is None:
print("Loading transgene expression for the first time...") if self.debug else None
subclasses = self.vfb.oc.get_subclasses(query=f"'{}'", verbose=self.debug)
print("Subclasses: ", subclasses) if self.debug else None
overlapping_cells = self.vfb.oc.get_subclasses(query=f"'cell' that 'overlaps' some '{}'", verbose=self.debug)
print("Overlapping cells: ", overlapping_cells) if self.debug else None
part_of = self.vfb.oc.get_subclasses(query=f"'is part of' some '{}'", verbose=self.debug)
print("Part of: ", part_of) if self.debug else None
all_anatomy = subclasses + overlapping_cells + part_of + []
print("All anatomy: ", all_anatomy) if self.debug else None
result = dict_cursor([f"MATCH (ep:Class:Expression_pattern)<-[ar:overlaps|part_of]-(:Individual)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(anat:Class) WHERE anat.short_form in {all_anatomy} WITH DISTINCT collect(DISTINCT[0]) as pubs, anat, ep OPTIONAL MATCH (pub:pub) WHERE pub.short_form IN pubs RETURN distinct ep.short_form as term, coalesce(ep.symbol, ep.label) as term_name, anat.short_form as type, coalesce(anat.symbol, anat.label) as type_name, collect(pub) as pubs"]))
print("Result: ", result) if self.debug else None
if result:
self._transgene_expression = ExpressionList([Expression(term=exp['term'], term_name=exp['term_name'], term_type='transgene', type=exp['type'], type_name=exp['type_name'], reference=[Publication(FlyBase=pub.get('FlyBase',''), PubMed=pub.get('PMID',''), DOI=pub.get('DOI', ''), core=MinimalEntityInfo(short_form=pub['short_form'], label=pub['label'], iri=pub['iri'], types=pub['label'], symbol=','.join(pub['miniref'][0].split(',')[:2])), description=pub['title']) for pub in exp['pubs']]) for exp in result])
self._transgene_expression = ExpressionList([])
print(f"Transgene expression: {repr(self._transgene_expression)}") if self.debug else None
return self._transgene_expression
# Dynamically add the property to the instance
setattr(self.__class__, 'transgene_expression', transgene_expression)
This is based on the VFB site query
To find any potential Transgenes in X it need to find all types that are subclasses (subtypes) + any overlapping cells + any parts of X plus the term X itself. These are all collected using OWLery query for the id’s of all these types using MANCHESTER syntax queries:
subclasses: '{}'
subclasses: 'cell' that 'overlaps' some '{}'
subclasses: 'is part of' some '{}'
This is added to the
to include the term itself and passed (as all_anatomy) to a neo4j cypher query running against the VFB PDB (Production DB):
MATCH (ep:Class:Expression_pattern)<-[ar:overlaps|part_of]-(:Individual)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(anat:Class) WHERE anat.short_form in {all_anatomy} WITH DISTINCT collect(DISTINCT[0]) as pubs, anat, ep OPTIONAL MATCH (pub:pub) WHERE pub.short_form IN pubs RETURN distinct ep.short_form as term, coalesce(ep.symbol, ep.label) as term_name, anat.short_form as type, coalesce(anat.symbol, anat.label) as type_name, collect(pub) as pubs
the output of this is put through the dict_cursor to turn them into an easily accessible dictionary and then constructed as an Expression object into an ExpressionList:
term_type='transgene', type=exp['type'],
DOI=pub.get('DOI', ''),
) for pub in exp['pubs']
) for exp in result]
Note: the for X in Y
simply iterates a list and as it’s inside []
it returns as a list
Note: the reason the name as well as the id is often passed is that these terms are themselves Lasy loaded and so passing the name prevents full loading needing to be done for just summary display.
Speaking of Lazy loading this is the reason for the @propery
and the setattr(self.__class__, 'transgene_expression', transgene_expression)
which (if add_anatomy_type_properties()
is run) add transgene_expression to the term to be called as X.transgene_expression
and the first time will run the query, cashing the results in self._transgene_expression
for future calls.
The code here up in the VFBTerm __init__
adds this option only if the term is_type
and has the tag for Anatomy
if self.has_tag('Anatomy') and self.is_type:
self._transgene_expression = None
self._lineage_clones = None
self._lineage_clone_types = None
Initialising the cache: self._transgene_expression = None
and calling the relevant properties: self.add_anatomy_type_properties()
Copying this procedure will allow you to add any query based on checked against tags or other checks.
Note: Tags are Neo4j ’labels’ (labels(n)
as apposed to n.label) for the term and can be checked against using self.has_tag('X')
VFBconnect Docs: VFBConnect library.