!pip install vfb-connect --upgrade
# Import libs and initialise API objects
from vfb_connect.cross_server_tools import VfbConnect
import pandas as pd

vc = VfbConnect()  

import pymaid
import navis

# Needed because deepnote doesn't support fancy progress bars yet

# Connect to the VFB CATMAID server hosting the FAFB data
rm = pymaid.connect_catmaid(server="https://fafb.catmaid.virtualflybrain.org/",  
                            api_token=None, max_threads=10)

# Test call to see if connection works 
print(f'Server is running CATMAID version {rm.catmaid_version}')
WARNING: Could not load OpenGL library.
INFO  : Global CATMAID instance set. Caching is ON. (pymaid)
Server is running CATMAID version 2020.02.15-905-g93a969b37


navis lets you plot neurons in 2d using matplotlib (nice for figures), and in 3d using either plotly when in a notebook environment like Deepnote or using a vispy-based 3D viewer when using a Python terminal. The vispy solution won’t work in Deepnote so we will focus on matplotlib’s 2d and plotly for 3d.

# We'll use a FAFB neuron, retrieved using navis as an example
n = pymaid.get_neurons(16) # retrieves a CatMaid neuron object with skeleton id = 16 (See the Mapping notebook for how to find )
INFO  : Cached data used. Use `pymaid.clear_cache()` to clear. (pymaid)
INFO  : Cached data used. Use `pymaid.clear_cache()` to clear. (pymaid)

type CatmaidNeuron
name Uniglomerular mALT VA6 adPN 017 DB
id 16
n_nodes 16840
n_connectors 2158
n_branches 1172
n_leafs 1230
cable_length 4003103.232861
soma [2941309]
units 1 nanometer
# We can plot this in 2D

(<Figure size 432x432 with 1 Axes>, <Axes3DSubplot:>)


# Or 3D



The above plots are very basic examples but there are a ton of ways to tweak things to your liking. For a full list of parameters check out the docs for plot2d and plot3d. (Hint - you can view documentation by floating over a method name in Deepnote)

Let’s for example change the colors. In general, colors can be:

a string - e.g. “red” or just “r” an rgb/rgba tuple - e.g. (1, 0, 0) for red

navis.plot3d(n, color='red')


Float over the

# CATMAID neuron objects include connectors (synapses)  here pre-(red) and postsynapses (blue).
navis.plot3d(n, width=1000, connectors=True, color='k') #

Now let’s try an example with multiple neurons

# Pulling (annotations on) neurons from a single dataset on CATMAID

bates = pymaid.find_neurons(annotations='Paper: Bates and Schlegel et al 2020') 
# Viewing first 10 neurons:
INFO  : Found 583 neurons matching the search parameters (pymaid)

type name skeleton_id n_nodes n_connectors n_branches n_leafs cable_length soma units
0 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN 57316 2863105 ML 2863104 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer
1 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA3 adPN 57350 HG 57349 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
8 CatmaidNeuron Multiglomerular mlALT vPN DP1m+DM3+DP1l+1 LTS ... 3813399 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer
9 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular lALT VP1m l2PN 65701 AJ ECM 11524119 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer
# Plotting multiple neurons, we get a default multi-color pallete


What if we want to use color to group neurons in some way?

The following example illustrates colouring by lineage, where lineage is derived from standardised neuron names on FAFB CATMAID


type name skeleton_id n_nodes n_connectors n_branches n_leafs cable_length soma units
0 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN 57316 2863105 ML 2863104 6774 470 280 292 1.522065e+06 [3245741] 1 nanometer
1 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN 57354 GA 57353 6985 370 225 236 1.539364e+06 [3254736] 1 nanometer
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
15 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN 57312 LK 57311 5543 463 211 219 1.364103e+06 [3059181] 1 nanometer
16 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN 57324 LK JSL 57323 6223 481 256 268 1.483462e+06 [3251355] 1 nanometer
# On CATMAID, we need to know something about the structure of names and parse them to get types:

import re 
prog = re.compile("Uniglomerular(.*?) DA1 ") 

# Match all neuron names in `bates` against that pattern
is_da1 = list(map(lambda x: prog.match(x) != None, bates.name))

# Subset list of neurons
da1 = bates[is_da1]

type name skeleton_id n_nodes n_connectors n_branches n_leafs cable_length soma units
0 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN 57316 2863105 ML 2863104 6774 470 280 292 1522064.513255 [3245741] 1 nanometer
1 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN 57354 GA 57353 6985 370 225 236 1539364.300882 [3254736] 1 nanometer
2 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN 57382 ML 57381 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer
3 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mlALT DA1 vPN mlALTed Milk 23348... 2334841 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer
4 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN PN021 2345090 DB RJVR 2345089 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer
# Add lineage attribute to all da1 neurons based on regex against name
for n in da1:
    # Split name into components and keep only the tract
    n.lineage = n.name.split(' ')[3]    

import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np 

# Get all unique lineages (we expect only two)
lineages = np.unique(da1.lineage) 

# Generate a color per lineage
lin_cmap = dict(zip(lineages, sns.color_palette('muted', len(lineages))))

# Make a dictionary mapping skid to colour appropriate to lineage
lineage_map = dict(zip(da1.id, da1.lineage)) 
neuron_cmap = {i: lin_cmap[l] for i, l in lineage_map.items()}

navis.plot3d(da1, color=neuron_cmap, legend_group=lineage_map, hover_name=True, width=1000)

We can do the same thing using VFB, looking up the relevant terms on the web site and then using these to categorise CATMAID neurons

# With VFB, we can query by type

from vfb_connect.cross_server_tools import gen_short_form # TODO - make this arg on oc.get_instances

def vfb_type_2_skids(vfb_type):
    # Get IDs (short_forms) for instances of type
    da1_from_vfb = map(gen_short_form, vc.oc.get_instances(vfb_type, query_by_label=True))
    # Find which neurons are in catmaid_fafb and return 
    da1_skid_lookup = vc.neo_query_wrapper.vfb_id_2_xrefs(da1_from_vfb, db='catmaid_fafb', reverse_return=True)
    # Convert skids to ints 
    da1_skids = da1_skid_lookup.keys()
    return list(da1_skids)

da1_fafb = vfb_type_2_skids("'adult antennal lobe projection neuron DA1'")
Running query: FBbt:00048096
Query URL: http://owl.virtualflybrain.org/kbs/vfb/instances?object=FBbt%3A00048096&prefixes=%7B%22FBbt%22%3A+%22http%3A%2F%2Fpurl.obolibrary.org%2Fobo%2FFBbt_%22%2C+%22RO%22%3A+%22http%3A%2F%2Fpurl.obolibrary.org%2Fobo%2FRO_%22%2C+%22BFO%22%3A+%22http%3A%2F%2Fpurl.obolibrary.org%2Fobo%2FBFO_%22%7D&direct=False
Query results: 31
/root/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/vfb_connect/neo/query_wrapper.py:279: UserWarning:

The following IDs do not match DB &/or id_type constraints: {'VFB_0010121x', 'VFB_00101203', 'VFB_0010122z', 'VFB_00101202', 'VFB_jrchjtdd', 'VFB_jrchjtdg', 'VFB_00101201', 'VFB_0010122p', 'VFB_0010124l', 'VFB_00101205', 'VFB_jrchjtde', 'VFB_0010123b', 'VFB_jrchjtda', 'VFB_0010122y', 'VFB_jrchjtdc', 'VFB_00101204', 'VFB_00101199', 'VFB_0010124e', 'VFB_0010122k', 'VFB_00104624', 'VFB_jrchjtdh', 'VFB_jrchjtdb', 'VFB_00102297', 'VFB_00101200', 'VFB_jrchjtdf', 'VFB_00102763', 'VFB_0010126e', 'VFB_00102294', 'VFB_00104629', 'VFB_0010122m', 'VFB_00103943'}
# Inspect subclasses:
pd.DataFrame.from_records(vc.get_subclasses("'adult antennal lobe projection neuron DA1'", summary=True))
Running query: FBbt:00048096
Query URL: http://owl.virtualflybrain.org/kbs/vfb/subclasses?object=FBbt%3A00048096&prefixes=%7B%22FBbt%22%3A+%22http%3A%2F%2Fpurl.obolibrary.org%2Fobo%2FFBbt_%22%2C+%22RO%22%3A+%22http%3A%2F%2Fpurl.obolibrary.org%2Fobo%2FRO_%22%2C+%22BFO%22%3A+%22http%3A%2F%2Fpurl.obolibrary.org%2Fobo%2FBFO_%22%7D&direct=False
Query results: 2

label symbol id tags parents_label parents_id
0 adult antennal lobe projection neuron DA1 lPN DA1_lPN FBbt_00067363 Entity|Neuron|Adult|Anatomy|Nervous_system|Cel... adult lateral horn input neuron|adult mushroom... FBbt_00049427|FBbt_00047957|FBbt_00067350|FBbt...
1 adult antennal lobe projection neuron DA1 vPN DA1_vPN FBbt_00067372 Entity|GABAergic|Adult|Anatomy|Nervous_system|... mediolateral antennal lobe tract projection ne... FBbt_00007445|FBbt_00007228|FBbt_00048096
# Get skids for DA1_lPNs and DA1_vPNs
da1_l_fafb = vfb_type_2_skids("'DA1_lPN'")
da1_v_fafb = vfb_type_2_skids("'DA1_vPN'")

is_da1 = list(map(lambda x: x in da1_fafb, bates.skeleton_id))
da1 = bates[is_da1]
Running query: FBbt:00067363
Query URL: http://owl.virtualflybrain.org/kbs/vfb/instances?object=FBbt%3A00067363&prefixes=%7B%22FBbt%22%3A+%22http%3A%2F%2Fpurl.obolibrary.org%2Fobo%2FFBbt_%22%2C+%22RO%22%3A+%22http%3A%2F%2Fpurl.obolibrary.org%2Fobo%2FRO_%22%2C+%22BFO%22%3A+%22http%3A%2F%2Fpurl.obolibrary.org%2Fobo%2FBFO_%22%7D&direct=False
Query results: 22
/root/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/vfb_connect/neo/query_wrapper.py:279: UserWarning:

The following IDs do not match DB &/or id_type constraints: {'VFB_00101203', 'VFB_00101202', 'VFB_0010122z', 'VFB_jrchjtdd', 'VFB_jrchjtdg', 'VFB_00101201', 'VFB_0010122p', 'VFB_0010124l', 'VFB_00101205', 'VFB_jrchjtde', 'VFB_0010123b', 'VFB_jrchjtda', 'VFB_0010122y', 'VFB_jrchjtdc', 'VFB_00101204', 'VFB_00101199', 'VFB_0010124e', 'VFB_0010122k', 'VFB_jrchjtdb', 'VFB_00101200', 'VFB_jrchjtdf', 'VFB_0010126e'}

Running query: FBbt:00067372
Query URL: http://owl.virtualflybrain.org/kbs/vfb/instances?object=FBbt%3A00067372&prefixes=%7B%22FBbt%22%3A+%22http%3A%2F%2Fpurl.obolibrary.org%2Fobo%2FFBbt_%22%2C+%22RO%22%3A+%22http%3A%2F%2Fpurl.obolibrary.org%2Fobo%2FRO_%22%2C+%22BFO%22%3A+%22http%3A%2F%2Fpurl.obolibrary.org%2Fobo%2FBFO_%22%7D&direct=False
Query results: 9
/root/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/vfb_connect/neo/query_wrapper.py:279: UserWarning:

The following IDs do not match DB &/or id_type constraints: {'VFB_00103943', 'VFB_jrchjtdh', 'VFB_0010121x', 'VFB_00102763', 'VFB_00104624', 'VFB_00102294', 'VFB_00104629', 'VFB_0010122m', 'VFB_00102297'}
# Generate a palette 
palette = sns.color_palette('muted', 2)
# Make a dictionary 
lin_cmap = { 'lPN': palette[0], 'vPN': palette[1]}
# Make a dictionary with key = skid & value = color by lineage
lineage_map = {n: 'lPN' for n in da1_l_fafb}
lineage_map.update({n: 'vPN' for n in da1_v_fafb})

neuron_cmap = {n: lin_cmap[l] for n, l in lineage_map.items()}

navis.plot3d(da1, color=neuron_cmap, hover_name=True, legend_group=lineage_map, width=1000)

Using VFB templates and data to plot neurons from multiple sources in a single template space.

VFB allows us to pull neurons from multiple sources and display them in a single template space

You can browse the various templates available on the VFB site, or get a summary:


label symbol id tags parents_label parents_id data_source accession templates dataset license
0 JRC2018Unisex VFB_00101567 Entity|has_image|Adult|Anatomy|Nervous_system|... adult brain FBbt_00003624 JRC2018 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/...
1 adult brain template JFRC2 VFB_00017894 Entity|VFB|Adult|Anatomy|Nervous_system|Indivi... adult brain FBbt_00003624 Jenett2012 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/...
2 adult VNS template - Court2018 VFB_00100000 Entity|has_image|Adult|Anatomy|Ganglion|Indivi... adult ventral nerve cord FBbt_00004052 Court2017 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0...
3 adult brain template Ito2014 VFB_00030786 Entity|VFB|Adult|Anatomy|Nervous_system|Indivi... adult brain FBbt_00003624 BrainName_Ito_half_brain https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0...
4 JRC_FlyEM_Hemibrain VFB_00101384 Entity|has_image|Adult|Anatomy|Nervous_system|... adult brain FBbt_00003624 Xu2020roi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/le...
5 JRC2018UnisexVNC VFB_00200000 Entity|has_image|Adult|Anatomy|Ganglion|Indivi... adult ventral nerve cord FBbt_00004052 JRC2018 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/...
6 L3 CNS template - Wood2018 VFB_00049000 Entity|has_image|Anatomy|Nervous_system|Indivi... embryonic/larval central nervous system FBbt_00001919 Truman2016 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0...
7 L1 larval CNS ssTEM - Cardona/Janelia VFB_00050000 Entity|has_image|Anatomy|Nervous_system|Indivi... embryonic/larval central nervous system FBbt_00001919 catmaid_l1em Ohyama2015|Schlegel2016 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0...
DA1_manifest = vc.get_images_by_type("'adult antennal lobe projection neuron DA1'", template = 'JRC2018Unisex', image_folder = 'DA1', stomp=True)
Running query: FBbt:00048096
Query URL: http://owl.virtualflybrain.org/kbs/vfb/instances?object=FBbt%3A00048096&prefixes=%7B%22FBbt%22%3A+%22http%3A%2F%2Fpurl.obolibrary.org%2Fobo%2FFBbt_%22%2C+%22RO%22%3A+%22http%3A%2F%2Fpurl.obolibrary.org%2Fobo%2FRO_%22%2C+%22BFO%22%3A+%22http%3A%2F%2Fpurl.obolibrary.org%2Fobo%2FBFO_%22%7D&direct=False
Query results: 31
/root/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/vfb_connect/neo/query_wrapper.py:220: UserWarning:

No 'swc' file found for 'ALv1_P02(DA1)_0_2018U'.

label symbol id tags parents_label parents_id data_source accession templates dataset license filename
0 Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN#L3 (FAFB:2345089) VFB_0010122p Entity|has_image|Adult|Anatomy|has_neuron_conn... adult antennal lobe projection neuron DA1 lPN FBbt_00067363 catmaid_fafb 2345089 JRC2018Unisex BatesSchlegel2020 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0... Uniglomerular_mALT_DA1_lPN_L3__FAFB_2345089_.swc
1 Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN#R3 (FAFB:61221) VFB_00101204 Entity|has_image|Adult|Anatomy|has_neuron_conn... adult antennal lobe projection neuron DA1 lPN FBbt_00067363 catmaid_fafb 61221 adult brain template JFRC2|JRC2018Unisex Zheng2018 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0... Uniglomerular_mALT_DA1_lPN_R3__FAFB_61221_.swc
2 Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN#L1 (FAFB:4207871) VFB_0010126e Entity|has_image|Adult|Anatomy|has_neuron_conn... adult antennal lobe projection neuron DA1 lPN FBbt_00067363 catmaid_fafb 4207871 JRC2018Unisex BatesSchlegel2020 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0... Uniglomerular_mALT_DA1_lPN_L1__FAFB_4207871_.swc

We can then plot the neurons, coloring by data_source

# Read skeletons from file
nl = navis.read_swc('DA1') 

# The neuron names correspond to the filenames
# To make it easier, we will manually add IDs from the manifest
ids = dict(zip(DA1_manifest.filename.map(lambda x: x.replace('.swc', '')).values,
for n in nl:
    n.id = ids[n.name]

# Add data source 
ds = DA1_manifest.set_index('accession').data_source.to_dict()
for n in nl:
    n.source = ds[n.id]
source_cmap = dict(zip(np.unique(nl.source),
                       sns.color_palette('muted', len(np.unique(nl.source)))))

source_map = dict(zip(nl.id, nl.source))
neuron_cmap = {n.id: source_cmap[n.source] for n in nl}

navis.plot3d(nl, color=neuron_cmap, hover_name=True, legend_group=source_map, width=1000)

Adding volumes

VFB has regions of interest defined for every template. These can be browsed on our template ROI browser:


or the results of queries available from each template. The ROIs for JRC2018Unisex come from Janelia (the work of Kazonori Shinomiya) and align with domains on the Hemibrain following standard cross-registration.

# Hackish!
jrc2018u = trimesh.load_remote('https://github.com/schlegelp/navis-flybrains/raw/main/flybrains/meshes/JRC2018U.ply')
jrc2018u = navis.Volume(jrc2018u, color=(.85, .85, .85, .3), name='JRC2018U')
<navis.Volume(name=JRC2018U, color=(0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.3), vertices.shape=(11943, 3), faces.shape=(24558, 3))>
# Get an image (obj volume) of the mushroom body calyx on JRC2018Unisex: 

SMP = vc.neo_query_wrapper.get_images(['VFB_00102170'], template = 'JRC2018Unisex', image_folder='SMP', image_type='obj', stomp=True) # TODO 

label symbol id tags parents_label parents_id data_source accession templates dataset license filename
0 SMP on JRC2018Unisex adult brain VFB_00102170 Entity|has_image|Adult|Anatomy|Nervous_system|... superior medial protocerebrum FBbt_00007055 JRC2018Unisex JRC2018 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/... SMP_on_JRC2018Unisex_adult_brain.obj
# Get an image (obj volume) of the mushroom body calyx on JRC2018Unisex: 

MB = vc.get_images_by_type("'VFB_00101567'", template = 'JRC2018Unisex', image_folder='MB', image_type='obj', stomp=True) # TODO 
Running query: FBbt:00003685
Query URL: http://owl.virtualflybrain.org/kbs/vfb/instances?object=FBbt%3A00003685&prefixes=%7B%22FBbt%22%3A+%22http%3A%2F%2Fpurl.obolibrary.org%2Fobo%2FFBbt_%22%2C+%22RO%22%3A+%22http%3A%2F%2Fpurl.obolibrary.org%2Fobo%2FRO_%22%2C+%22BFO%22%3A+%22http%3A%2F%2Fpurl.obolibrary.org%2Fobo%2FBFO_%22%7D&direct=False
Query results: 6

label symbol id tags parents_label parents_id data_source accession templates dataset license filename
0 CA on JRC2018Unisex adult brain VFB_00102114 Entity|has_image|Adult|Anatomy|Nervous_system|... calyx of adult mushroom body FBbt_00007385 JRC2018Unisex JRC2018 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/... CA_on_JRC2018Unisex_adult_brain.obj
# Plot this along with the neurons in the previous example
import trimesh

# TBA # discovery step

test = trimesh.load('SMP/SMP_on_JRC2018Unisex_adult_brain.obj')
mesh = navis.Volume(test)
mesh.color = (230, 230, 230, .2)
mesh.name = "SMP on JRC2018Unisex adult brain"
navis.plot3d([nl, mesh], color=neuron_cmap, hover_name=True, legend_group=source_map)
# Plot this along with the neurons in the previous example
import trimesh

# TBA # discovery step

#test = trimesh.load('MB/CA_on_JRC2018Unisex_adult_brain.obj')
#mesh = navis.Volume(test)
#mesh.color = (230, 230, 230, .2)
#mesh.name = "ME on JRC2018Unisex adult brain"
navis.plot3d([nl, jrc2018u], color=neuron_cmap, hover_name=True, legend_group=source_map)


Choose some neurons to display and render by classification. Write some code based on the previous examples to achieve this.