
VFBconnect is a Python package that provides an interface to the Virtual Fly Brain (VFB) API. It allows users to query the VFB database and download data, including images.


Before you can use VFBconnect, you need to install it. You can do this using pip:

```bash pip install vfb-connect ```

Downloading Images

To download images from VFB using VFBconnect, you need to first import the package and create a client:

```python from vfb_connect.cross_server_tools import VfbConnect vc = VfbConnect() ```

Next, you can use the get_images method to download images. This method requires the dataset ID as an argument:

```python dataset_id = ‘your_dataset_id’ images = vc.get_images(dataset_id) ```

This will return a list of images from the specified dataset. Each image is represented as a dictionary with information such as the image ID, title, and URL.

To download the images, you can loop through the list and use the urlretrieve function from the urllib.request module:

```python import urllib.request

for image in images: url = image[‘image_url’] filename = image[‘image_id’] + ‘.jpg’ urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filename) ```

This will download each image and save it as a JPEG file in the current directory. The filename is the image ID.


This guide showed you how to use VFBconnect to download images from the Virtual Fly Brain based on a dataset. With VFBconnect, you can easily access and download data from VFB for your research.