
navis lets you plot neurons in 2d using matplotlib (nice for figures), and in 3d using either plotly when in a notebook environment like Deepnote or using a vispy-based 3D viewer when using a Python terminal. The vispy solution won’t work in Deepnote so we will focus on matplotlib’s 2d and plotly for 3d.

import navis

# This is relevant because Deepnote does not (yet) support fancy progress bars

# Load one of the example neurons shipped with navis
n = navis.example_neurons(1, kind='skeleton')
WARNING: Could not load OpenGL library.
# Make a 2d plot 
fig, ax = navis.plot2d(n)

# Note that this is equivalent to 
# fig, ax = n.plot2d()


If you have seen an olfactory projection neuron before, you might have noticed that this neuron is upside-down. That’s because hemibrain neurons have an odd orienation in that the anterior-posterior axis not the z- but the y-axis (they have been image from above).

For us that just means we have to turn the camera ourselves if we want a frontal view:

# Make a 2d plot 
fig, ax = navis.plot2d(n)

# Change camera (azimuth + elevation)
ax.azim, ax.elev = -90, -90


Let’s do the same in 3d:

# Get a list of neurons
nl = navis.example_neurons(5)

# Plot
navis.plot3d(nl, width=1000)


Above plots are very basic examples but there are a ton of ways to tweak things to your liking. For a full list of parameters check out the docs for plot2d and plot3d.

Let’s for example change the colors. In general, colors can be:

# Plot all neurons in red
fig, ax = navis.plot2d(n, color='r')
ax.azim, ax.elev = -90, -90


# Plot all neurons in red (color as tuple)
fig, ax = navis.plot2d(n, color=(1, 0, 0, 1))
ax.azim, ax.elev = -90, -90


When plotting multiple neurons you can either use:

# Plot with a specific color palette
navis.plot3d(nl, color='jet')


  1. Assign rainbow colors - "red", "orange", "yellow", "green" and "blue" - as list
  2. Use a dictionary to make neurons 1734350788 and 1734350908 green, and neurons 722817260, 754534424 and 754538881 red


plot2d and plot3d also let you plot meshes. Internally these are represented as navis.Volumes (a subclass of trimesh.Trimesh):

# navis ships with a neuropil volume (in hemibrain space)
vol = navis.example_volume('neuropil')
<navis.Volume(name=neuropil, color=(0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.2), vertices.shape=(8997, 3), faces.shape=(18000, 3))>

To plot, simply pass it to the respective plotting function:

navis.plot3d([nl, vol])

Under the hood, Volumes are treated a bit differently from neurons. So if you want to change the color, you need to do so on the object:

# Give the neuropil a reddish color
vol.color = (1, .8, .8, .4)

navis.plot3d([nl, vol], width=800)

Scatter plots

Because scatter plots are a common way of visualizing 3D data, both plot2d and plot3d provide a quick interface: (N, 3) numpy arrays and pandas.DataFrames with x, y, and z columns are interpreted as data for a scatter plot:

# Get all branch points from the node table
bp = n.branch_points

node_id label x y z radius parent_id type
5 6 5 15678.400391 37086.300781 28349.400391 48.011600 5 branch
8 9 5 15159.400391 36641.500000 28392.900391 231.296997 8 branch
9 10 5 15144.000000 36710.000000 28142.000000 186.977005 9 branch
10 11 5 15246.400391 36812.398438 28005.500000 104.261002 10 branch
11 12 5 15284.000000 36850.000000 27882.000000 53.245602 11 branch
# Since `bp` contains x/y/z columns, we can pass it directly to the plotting functions 
navis.plot3d([n, bp],
             c='k',  # make the neuron black 
             scatter_kws=dict(color='r')  # make the markers red

Fine-tuning figures

plot2d and plot3d provide a high-level interface to get your neurons on/in a matplotlib or a plotly figure, respectively. You can always use lower-level matplotlib/plotly interfaces directly to add more data or manipulate the figure. Just a cheap example:

# Plot neuron on a matplotlib figure
fig, ax = navis.plot2d(n, color='r')

# Show the neuron at a slight angle
ax.azim, ax.elev = -60, -60

# Zoom out a bit more
ax.dist = 8  # default is 7

# Unhide axes 

# Label the axes
ax.set_xlabel('x-axis [8 nm voxels]')
ax.set_ylabel('y-axis [8 nm voxels]')
ax.set_zlabel('z-axis [8 nm voxels]')
Text(0.5, 0, 'z-axis [8 nm voxels]')


This concludes this brief introduction to plotting but just to note that plot2d and plot3d have a lot of additional functionality to customize the way neurons are plotted. If you have time on your hands, I recommend you check out and play around with the available parameters (e.g. linewidth, color_by, shade_by, linestyle).