Information Artifact Ontology (IAO)

The Information Artifact Ontology (IAO) is an ontology of information entities, originally driven by work by the OBI digital entity and realizable information entity branch.

Open in the Ontology Lookup Service (OLS)

analysis subset ontology module [IAO_8000008]

An ontology module that is intended for usage in analysis or discovery applications.

base ontology module [IAO_8000001]

An ontology module that comprises only of asserted axioms local to the ontology, excludes import directives, and excludes axioms or declarations from external ontologies.

bridge ontology module [IAO_8000004]

An ontology module that consists entirely of axioms that connect or bridge two distinct ontology modules. For example, the Uberon-to-ZFA bridge module.

curation status specification [IAO_0000078]

The curation status of the term. The allowed values come from an enumerated list of predefined terms. See the specification of these instances for more detailed definitions of each enumerated value.

curation subset ontology module [IAO_8000007]

A subset ontology that is intended as a whitelist for curators using the ontology. Such a subset will exclude classes that curators should not use for curation.

data about an ontology part [IAO_0000102]

Data about an ontology part is a data item about a part of an ontology, for example a term

data item [IAO_0000027]

a data item is an information content entity that is intended to be a truthful statement about something (modulo, e.g., measurement precision or other systematic errors) and is constructed/acquired by a method which reliably tends to produce (approximately) truthful statements.

denotator type [IAO_0000409]

A denotator type indicates how a term should be interpreted from an ontological perspective.

editors ontology module [IAO_8000002]

An ontology module that is intended to be directly edited, typically managed in source control, and typically not intended for direct consumption by end-users.

EL++ ontology module [IAO_8000020]

[ontology module subsetted by OWL profile; EL++ ontology module]

exclusion subset ontology module [IAO_8000010]

A subset of an ontology that is intended to be excluded for some purpose. For example, a blacklist of classes.

external import ontology module [IAO_8000011]

An imported ontology module that is derived from an external ontology. Derivation methods include the OWLAPI SLME approach.

generated ontology module [IAO_8000014]

An ontology module that is automatically generated, for example via a SPARQL query or via template and a CSV.

import ontology module [IAO_8000005]

A subset ontology module that is intended to be imported from another ontology.

information content entity [IAO_0000030]

an information content entity is an entity that is generically dependent on some artifact and stands in relation of aboutness to some entity

main release ontology module [IAO_8000003]

An ontology module that is intended to be the primary release product and the one consumed by the majority of tools.

obo basic subset ontology module [IAO_8000018]

A subset ontology that is designed for basic applications to continue to make certain simplifying assumptions; many of these simplifying assumptions were based on the initial version of the Gene Ontology, and have become enshrined in many popular and useful tools such as term enrichment tools. Examples of such assumptions include: traversing the ontology graph ignoring relationship types using a naive algorithm will not lead to cycles (i.e. the ontology is a DAG); every referenced term is declared in the ontology (i.e. there are no dangling clauses). An ontology is OBO Basic if and only if it has the following characteristics: DAG Unidirectional No Dangling Clauses Fully Asserted Fully Labeled No equivalence axioms Singly labeled edges No qualifier lists No disjointness axioms No owl-axioms header No imports

obsolescence reason specification [IAO_0000225]

The reason for which a term has been deprecated. The allowed values come from an enumerated list of predefined terms. See the specification of these instances for more detailed definitions of each enumerated value.

ontology module [IAO_8000000]

[ontology module; data about an ontology part]

ontology module subsetted by expressivity [IAO_8000017]

[subset ontology module; ontology module subsetted by expressivity]

ontology module subsetted by OWL profile [IAO_8000019]

[ontology module subsetted by OWL profile; ontology module subsetted by expressivity]

reasoned ontology module [IAO_8000013]

An ontology module that contains axioms generated by a reasoner. The generated axioms are typically direct SubClassOf axioms, but other possibilities are available.

single layer subset ontology module [IAO_8000009]

A subset ontology that is largely comprised of a single layer or strata in an ontology class hierarchy. The purpose is typically for rolling up for visualization. The classes in the layer need not be disjoint.

species subset ontology module [IAO_8000012]

A subset ontology that is crafted to either include or exclude a taxonomic grouping of species.

subset ontology module [IAO_8000006]

An ontology module that is extracted from a main ontology module and includes only a subset of entities or axioms.

taxonomic bridge ontology module [IAO_8000016]

[taxonomic bridge ontology module]

template generated ontology module [IAO_8000015]

An ontology module that is automatically generated from a template specification and fillers for slots in that template.

Last modified January 5, 2022: adding IAO (3e12bef)